Many are looking for ways to share the benefits of their stimulus check with those in need. Miss Virginia's Food Pantry is a worthy recipient.
Did you know?
Before the Pandemic 35 million Americans were food insecure, meaning families were not able to ACCESS and AFFORD enough NUTRITIOUS food to feed their families. The organization, “Feeding America” estimates that in 2020, fifty million Americans or one in seven suffered from food insecurity.
Did you know this is who we are and how we help families who are food in-secure?
Miss Virginia’s Food Pantry has provided food to needy families for over 26 years. We serve as a totally volunteer organization carrying on the vision of Miss Virginia Schrantz who lived and served the community from the same house that Miss Virginia’s Food Pantry still occupies. Families served by Miss Virginia’s cannot AFFORD to buy food and many times ACCESS to food is another barrier. There are no grocery stores within a reasonable distance that makes up the 46803 “food dessert” part of the Fort Wayne/rural Allen County area. Miss Virginia’s provides only NUTRITIOUS food to the people we serve. This makes us unique. Every family, every visit, to Miss Virginia’s receives meat, vegetables, fruit, bread and eggs. We call this the “Balanced & Nutritional Food Program.” Providing only NUTRITION- rich food requires extra expense to purchase these foods. Meat is especially costly. Miss Virginia’s Director works collaboratively with community agencies such as Community Harvest Food Bank to secure food at a reasonable cost or through dollars secured through private donations or grant monies.
Did you know this is where we are located?
Miss Virginia’s Food Pantry is located in the heart of inner-city Fort Wayne at 1312 South Hanna St. and within the 46803-zip code. Miss Virginia’s serves families primarily living in Fort Wayne and Allen County; however, no family is ever turned away from receiving food.
Did you know you this is how you can join Miss Virginia’s efforts in fighting hunger in our community?
Miss Virginia’s has a dedicated core of volunteers that provide a variety of services by working at the food pantry. You can serve by volunteering.
We hope you might be in a position to consider a monetary donation, no matter the amount, because you recognize and want to help in this local fight against hunger. Perhaps you are in a fortunate financial position, or maybe you have received extra dollars through the Federal Stimulus program that now allows you to consider making a monetary contribution to help others. Be assured your dollars will go to further Miss Virginia’s mission. Your contribution will help to continue Miss Virginia’s commitment to purchase and provide Balanced & Nutritional food.
We sincerely appreciate your consideration and action and hope you will click the button below to find out how you too can join Miss Virginia’s 26-year mission to help the most vulnerable of our brothers and sisters living in our area. Thank you.