Miss Virginia’s Food Pantry is an all-volunteer organization and depends entirely upon donations from individuals, businesses and charitable organizations. The volunteers at Miss Virginia’s are extremely grateful to all donors for their generous help and support.
Grant awarded to Miss Virginia’s Food Pantry
Miss Virginia’s Food Pantry is delighted to announce that the St. Joseph Community Health Foundation recently awarded us a generous grant of $25,000 to fund our 2023 Balanced and Nutritional Food Program. The grant funds will be used exclusively to purchase healthy food products that will be provided to needy families and individuals who come to the food pantry seeking food assistance.
“We are very grateful to the St. Joseph Community Health Foundation for its support as we continue to provide fresh, healthy food to those in need,” said Greg Witte, Executive Director of Miss Virginia’s. “This grant will allow Miss Virginia’s to continue to help those experiencing hunger in our community and to respond to the increase in food insecurity due to the COVID-19 crisis.” https://www.facebook.com/stjoechf
The food pantry is proud to announce that the St. Joseph Community Health Foundation has awarded a grant of $15,000 to the food pantry for the 2020 Balanced and Nutritional Food Program. This program is partially supported by a grant from the St. Joseph Community Health Foundation. The grant funds will be used exclusively to purchase healthy food products that will be provided to needy families and individuals who come to the food pantry seeking food assistance. St. Joseph Community Health Foundation
The Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne the foundation granted Miss Virginia’s $10,000 for the 2020 Balanced and Nutritional Food Program. This is the fourth consecutive year that they have supported our program.
The food pantry is proud to announce that the St. Joseph Community Health Foundation has awarded a grant of $7,500 to the food pantry for the 2019 Balanced and Nutritional Food Program. The grant funds will be used exclusively to purchase healthy food products that will be provided to needy families and individuals who come to the food pantry seeking food assistance. The food pantry provides food assistance to more than 850 households each week.
The Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne has awarded a grant of $20,000 to the food pantry. One half of the funds are designated for the 2019 Balanced and Nutritional Food Program and one half are to be used for building needs. The grant funds support needy families and individuals who come to the food pantry seeking food assistance.
The Inner City Hope Corporation acknowledges Parkview Physicians Group for the grant of $15,000 to the Balanced and Nutritional Food Program in 2017 and again in 2018. These grants are a tremendous help in the continuation of this healthy food program.